About us

About Us

CENTER OF ARABIC LANGUAGE FOR FOREIGNERS (CALF) provides Arabic courses for all levels of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) / (FUSSHA) and Lebanese Colloquial Arabic (LCA) /Dialect or Amiyyeh.
Our main objective is shown in our pedagogical commitment, that is, to provide a comfortable and cozy environment for the learners within small classes of one-on-one students, as well as classes that do not exceed four or five students.
These types of classrooms benefit the quality of education from two sides: each student can assimilate the information given to him easily, and enable him to interact with the other students and learn from them through reading, writing, speaking and listening aspects.
Moreover, the teacher can focus more on each learner’s needs and demands, and can give each one more attention and opportunities to speak and learn more. The teacher then becomes better able to identify the student’s strengths and liabilities so that he can construct lessons in a more effective and productive way.


Visiting a language center before enrolling there is always a vital part of the language learning process…
Please, contact us beforehand to schedule your visit to us in a timely manner!


Contact us in order to register or if you have any questions or inquiries